May 27, 2023, by Paola Reyes
It is not a secret that organizations are seeking to deploy their projects more efficiently and effectively, which has a valuable impact on the company profits, recognition as well as better teamwork. The impact of good project management brings time saving and money, both are key to the organization’s profits and recognition.
A customer will be more likely to contract a company that is recognized and that can give you results in less time with no mistakes. Then, teamwork, one key activity in project management is internal communication and having a clear knowledge of the steps to follow because it just makes easier and efficient the development of the project.
The better the project management, the better the projects results and business decisions.
Now, after defining project management values is time to mention and define the measures and techniques. They are shown below:
Communication & Collaboration
It is important to have meetings with the stakeholder to understand the problem, determine the requirements, and define the competition date, which will allow the manager and the team to estimate costs and create a project plan. Communication and collaboration are not just part of the initiation of the projects. It is a continuous task that is vital to the success of the project.
Establish Projects objectives
Robust Plan
Effective Risk Management
Governance Principles & Data Governance
Tracking Process by Tools
Flexibility and Adaptability
Metrics and Data Analytics
Align between the Outcomes and Objectives
Over my experience working on projects during my master’s degree, I have identified that sometime we underestimated the creation of clear and well-supported objectives, as well as communication. The mentioned as other measures mentioned above are vital for the success of the project. But giving more importance to communication through the process is vital to understand the trajectory of the big data project, so we can identify the concerns and needs of others in a specific task and give better outcomes. On the other hand, taking the time needed to create objectives that cover the main questions that need to be answered is essential to guide the project down the right path.
In conclusion, project management is crucial for the success of big data projects, as it ensures efficient and effective deployment of projects, leading to improved profits, recognition, and teamwork. Effective project management measures and techniques, such as communication and collaboration, the establishment of clear project objectives, development of a robust project plan, implementation of effective risk management and data governance principles, use of project management tools, fostering of flexibility and adaptability, use of performance metrics and data analytics, and alignment of project outcomes with business objectives, can lead to successful project delivery and better business decisions. Overall, a well-managed big data project can yield significant benefits for an organization, making it imperative to employ proper project management practices.
Teamwork. (n.d.). Why is project management important? Retrieved from
Association for Project Management. (n.d.). Gantt chart. Retrieved from